We love music and singing is a prominent and favorite part of our worship service. We do not sing a cappella because we dislike other kinds of music and yes, we have songs in our playlist that use instruments. We are not trying to be different or stubbornly upholding a longstanding tradition.

The church is a New Testament institution and its rule of faith and practice is the covenant that Jesus Christ delivered by the Spirit rather than the Law that was delivered by Moses (Old Testament). Much changed between the old and new. We stopped the animal sacrifice, no longer observed Passover and began to eat pork and catfish. Worship is no longer conducted by a special class of priests.

While God omitted burning incense, golden vessels, and sacrifice of animals, He kept unleavened bread, fruit of the vine, prayers and singing. God fully and meticulously planned worship and nothing is left to happenstance. Worship is the most important thing we as humans can do and it is a privilege to worship. Congregational singing reflects the belief that every faithful member can participate in worship. God seeks our worship (John 4:23-24).

The voice is a wonderful gift. God listens to our heart and a sincere song from a faithful child pleases Him. Our practice grows out of our desire to reflect the original church in our modern setting. The phrase a cappella, which now means “without instrumental accompaniment,” originally meant “as in church.” Instruments were available and  widely used in pagan worship and theaters, as well as the Jewish temple, but they were not used by the church and we simply want to do as the first century church did. Churches of Christ believe strongly in having divine authority (a scripture) for all we teach and practice. We do this because the Bible says, “Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Colossians 3:17).

Join us in song and worship!

{{excerpt videos of song service singing will be inserted here}}